Sunday, January 19, 2014

Setting Intentions for the New Year

I have never been a big fan of new year’s resolutions. Although the beginning of the new year is a wonderful time to make positive changes in our lives, the traditional method of making a list of resolutions can be overwhelming, and in some cases, we set ourselves up for failure by having unrealistic expectations.

Positive change is much more likely to become a permanent habit if we show compassion for ourselves during the process of adapting.

Change comes gradually.

Instead of a list of resolutions, I recommend taking the opportunity at the beginning of the new year to assess what works and what doesn’t, set an intention and a specific goal, and break your action plan down into small steps. 

For example, if your intention is to be healthier, and your goal is to exercise four days a week, your first step might be to take a walk alone or with a loved one 1-2 times a week for three weeks. You may discover that you love this routine, and want to increase your walking days before the end of the three weeks. This is wonderful! Acknowledge your success, but make sure your expectations do not get ahead of your adaptation. 

With each step, increase the amount of change you are introducing, and most importantly, treat yourself with compassion throughout the process. When you have reached your goal, celebrate! Give yourself full credit for all your hard work!

This article first appeared in my January eNewsletter.

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