Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Maxed Out? 5 Signs You Need Stress Relief

Stress can be sneaky. Small irritations build until you suddenly realize you're overwhelmed.

Stress can be hard to identify. So many symptoms of stress are associated with other issues that it can be difficult to recognize that stress is the problem.

Stress can be embarrassing. Acknowledging that something or someone is stressing us out can feel like admitting a weakness.

But stress is completely normal, and if managed early and often, will not prevent us from living full, happy lives.

To help you figure out when you're maxed out on stress, here are five telltale signs of stress overload:
  1. You're in physical pain
    • An upset stomach, IBS, chronic muscle tension, neck and shoulder pain, hip tightness, chest tightness, jaw pain, back pain ... any medically inexplicable physical pain could be associated with stress.*
  2. You can't sleep
    • It's become a weekly or daily problem: you can't fall to sleep until the early morning, or you go to sleep quickly but wake up too early. You unwillingly pull all-nighters. Your sleep isn't restful because it's filled with vivid, disturbing and/or recurring dreams. When our fight or flight instincts are in overdrive, sleep is one of the first things to be disturbed.
  3. You're irritable with your loved ones
    • We feel safe at home with our family. Unfortunately, that sometimes means that after keeping our emotions in check all day, we express them at home in ways that hurt the people we love. 
  4. You're self-medicating
    • You're drinking more alcohol and/or eating more (or less). You're gaining weight. Or losing too much weight. You've started to take drugs, prescription or otherwise. 
  5. Weird stuff is happening
    • Twitchy eye? Irregular periods? Losing your hair? Going gray fast? Getting sick? These may all be associated with stress overload.*
Learning how to manage your stress is a sign of strength. If you need more info, talk to your healthcare provider or contact me to schedule a free, confidential consultation session. Take care of yourself. Visit and find joy through stress relief.  

*Always consult with your healthcare provider to rule out primary or secondary medical causes of stress symptoms. 

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