Sunday, December 15, 2013

Staying Well During the Holidays

 Parties, punch, presents, and more parties are the hallmarks of the holiday season. Rest, vegetables, and exercise ... not so much. By the time January rolls around, most of us feel a little depleted. So how do we fit self-care into our busy holiday schedules?

Any way we can.

There may not be time for a full yoga class, but what about relaxing in legs up the wall for a few minutes before bed? Even when our normal self-care routines have been edged out by festivities, there are ways to sneak wellness activities into even the busiest of schedules. 
  • Fatigued, puffy, sore feet, or an insomniac? Try legs up the wall: 
    1.  Lie on your side and scoot your bum so that it is flush against a wall. 
    2. Roll onto your back and extend your legs up the wall. 
    3. (Optional) Place a rolled up blanket or small pillow under your lower back, allowing your hips to hang lower than your waist. Extend your legs up the wall. 
    4. With palms facing up, extend your arms out like a T. 
    5. Close your eyes, and give yourself five minutes of peace. Need more time? Don't rush to come out of the pose. Stay as long as you'd like.
  • Stressed and overwhelmed? Try a place of peace guided imagery or five minutes of belly breathing. 
    • Belly Breathing Instructions:
      1. Lay on your back or find a comfortable seat in a chair or on the floor, perhaps sitting on a cushion so that your hips are higher than your knees. 
      2. Close your eyes or find a single point to focus on. 
      3. Bring your attention to your breath, and begin to slow your inhales and exhales, making your exhales longer than your inhales. 
      4. Place a hand on your lower abdomen, and on your next inhale, direct your breath in to your belly.
      5. It may take a few breaths to get the hang of it, but eventually you will feel your lower belly expanding like a balloon on your inhales. 
      6. On your exhales, draw your belly back in towards your spine. 
      7. Make sure you keep your spine straight, your shoulders relaxed, and your tailbone tucked throughout your breath work. You will need to make little adjustments throughout your practice to keep from hunching over. 
  • Depressed, angry, and/or anxious? A few rounds of simple EFT will reduce your stress and help you solve problems. 
If nothing works, let me know. We can come up with a plan together. Wishing you a happy, healthy holiday season, 


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